

 one of authors Manuel Wisotzky

Our Authors Writing about Coffee







Our authors come from various backgrounds but share the passion for that black drink – coffee – which next to water is probably the beverage with the highest consumption worldwide.

It is not only a pleasant, mildly stimulating drink, it has also health benefits. It is also a social lubricant served at business meetings or at more intimate and private meetings.

Writing about coffee is an endless endeavor, there are so many aspects to cover. From the production in plantations around the world to post-harvest handling, distribution and last not least the many ways coffee can be enjoyed. Different brewing methods have been developed in various countries and the local coffee culture around the world is as diverse as humans are.

Manuel had a career in international banking and feels at home in different parts of the world. He is now pursuing his culinary passions , food, wine and, of course, coffee.

He lives in three totally different areas of the world, travels between these and anything in between. He enjoys in particular wine producing countries both on the northern and southern hemisphere. But very high on his list of favorite countries are also those producing coffee. It is a very different feel and atmosphere but very likable as well. He has travelled throughout Central and South America on the search for great coffee and enjoyed in particular Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia. But he is fully aware that there is much more to discover.

Another area of great interest are the different coffee cultures which have developed over the last few centuries. Italy and Austria in particular are very interesting and have shaped the international coffee culture. Many of these elements you can recognize in modern coffee cultures in the United States, Germany, Japan or even Vietnam.

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